Past Continuous Tense


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Timpul verbal Past Continuous

Trecutul continuu engleză Past Continuous sau Past Progressive, este un timp important în engleză. Îl folosim pentru a spune ce făceam într-un anumit moment din trecut.
Există multe situații în care acest timp verbal poate fi folosit într-o propoziție. De exemplu, este adesea folosit pentru a descrie condițiile care au existat în trecut sau alte acțiuni ce se întâmplau concomitent.
De exemplu: It was raining every day that week.
When I asked the question, some people were speaking very loudly.

Diferența dintre past simple și past continuous

Trecutul simplu descrie acțiuni care au avut loc într-un anumit moment din trecut. Iar trecutul continuu în engleză descrie acțiuni care au fost în desfășurare în trecut.

  • Past Simple este folosit pentru a vorbi despre acțiunile terminate din trecut.
  • Past Continuous este folosit pentru a descrie o acțiune în desfășurare la un moment specific din trecut sau pentru a descrie acele acțiuni care au fost întrerupte de o altă acțiune scurtă în trecut.

Când folosim past continuous?

Folosim Past Continuous în engleză atunci când:

  1. Ne referim la o acțiune din trecut care se suprapune cu o altă acțiune sau un timp. Acțiunea din trecutul continuu începe înainte și continuă adesea după cealaltă acțiune.
    Exemplu: Elena was working when Ana entered the room.
    Din această propoziție reiese că Elena deja lucra atunci când Ana a intrat în cameră.
  2. Descriem circumstanțele înconjurătoare, mediul, fundalul unei povestiri.
    Exemplu: The birds were singing, the sun was shining, people were laughing and chatting. It was a beautiful day.
  3. Vorbim despre obiceiuri temporare sau obiceiuri care se întâmplă mai des decât ne așteptăm în trecut. Aici folosim adesea „always”, „constantly” sau „forever”.
    Exemple: She was always saying that they are going to win.
    He was constantly singing.
  4. Dorim să accentuăm durata de timp. Această utilizare este adesea opțională și o folosim de obicei cu expresii de timp precum „all day”, ,,all evening” sau „for hours”.
    Exemplu: I was gardening all day.
    I was looking for him for hours.

Past continuous formare

Verbul la trecut continuu in engleza este compus din 2 părți: verbul to be la trecut (was/were) și beza verbului principal cu terminația ing.
Ex: She was singing.
Sun was shining.
We were laughing.

La forma negativă, adăugăm negația not, iar la interogativă verbul to be la trecut este poziționat pe primul loc în propoziție.
În continuare, îți prezentăm mai detaliat formarea acestui timp cu exemple relevante.

Past Continuous affirmative

Propozițiile afirmative se contruiesc astfel: Subject + BE ( was / were ) + Verb-ING
Ex: While we were playing tennis, it started to rain.
While she was sleeping, someone took her phone.
I was making dinner when he arrived at my house this evening.
Clara was watching a movie when someone knocked on the door.
My mother was still studying when she got married.

Past Continuous negative

Propozițiile negative se contruiesc astfel: Subject + BE ( was / were ) + NOT + Verb-ING
Ex: She wasn’t planning her wedding.
He wasn’t singing in the shower.
She was not studying at that hour.
They weren’t checking on him regularly.
We weren’t doing anything wrong.

Past continuous interrogative

Propozițiile negative se contruiesc astfel: BE ( was / were ) + Subject + Verb-ING + ?
Ex: Was I snoring?
Were we talking too loud last night?
Was she joking about dropping out of college?
Were we reading the right section?
Was the baby crying a lot today?

Past Continuous exerciții

Acum că ai citit articolul, îți recomandăm să-ți testezi cunoștințele dobândite despre timpul Past Continuous. Completează spațiile libere în următoarele propoziții, notează-ți răspunsurile și, la urmă, verifică dacă ai ales opțiunea corectă.

  1. When I phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly.
  2. I tried to tell them the truth but they (not / listen).
  3. I (not/sleep) when you got home late last night.
  4. What (she/do) this time yesterday?
  5. I (listen) to my music, so I didn’t hear the phone ring.
  6. I (wonder) if you could open the door.
  7. The children (do) their homework when I got home.
  8. It was eight o’clock. I (write) a letter.
  9. The police stopped Willis as he (drive) to the airport.
  10. Anyway, what (we/ talk) about? I can’t remember.
  11. One of our teachers told us that we (not/work) hard enough.
  12. (Sun/Shine) when you woke up?
  13. I (travel) by train.
  14. My TV (not/work) properly.
  15. (She/dance) alone in the dark.


  1. Were playing
  2. Weren’t listening
  3. Wasn’t sleeping
  4. Was she doing
  5. Was listening
  6. Was wondering
  7. Were doing
  8. Was writing
  9. Was driving
  10. Were we talking
  11. Weren’t working
  12. Was the sun shinning
  13. Was traveling
  14. Wasn’t working
  15. She was dancing

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